News / बातमी

News : Calcutta High Court Rules that Writing "Police" on Private Vehicle is not an Offence.

  • The Calcutta High Court has said that it is not illegal for a police officer to display the word “POLICE” on his personal vehicle.
  • The court quashed a complaint made against the officer for doing so.
  • The complaint was brought before the Judicial Magistrate by an individual who claimed that they saw a private vehicle with the word “POLICE” written on it.
  • The complainant alleged that the word was used to create a false impression that the vehicle belonged to the Police Department, but an RTI inquiry revealed that it did not.
  • The complainant further alleged that the police officer was committing “personation” by showing his vehicle as a police vehicle, which could lead to illegal gains.
  • The Magistrate issued a process against the police officer, but the officer challenged the order before the Calcutta High Court.
  • The court ruled that the display of the word “POLICE” did not violate any law, and that no specific act had been complained against the police officer that may come within the meaning of an offence under the penal code.
  • The court also noted that it is common practice for officials to use their designation and the name of their office on their personal vehicles.
  • The court quashed the pending complaint against the police officer, stating that the only allegation made against him was that he had parked his vehicle in a no-parking zone, for which he had already been prosecuted and fined.
  • Case title:- Sri. Sanjib Chakraborty Vs. Sri. Subir Ranjan Chakraborty & Anr.

    Case No.:  IA No.CRAN/1/2023 In CRR 322 of 2023 

    Bench: Justice Bibek Chaudhuri

    Order dated: 04.05.2023 

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