Parliamentary Bill for replacing IPC CRPC And IEA (भा.द.वि./फौ.प्र.स./भा.पु.का. या कायद्यात सुधारणा करिता केंद्रीय शासनाचे विधेयक)

News / बातमी चालू घडामोडी न्यायालयीन निर्णय संकीर्ण Law/Bare Act/कायदे Disclaimer / अस्वीकरण News : Parliamentary Bill for replacing IPC CRPC And IEA (भा.द.वि./फौ.प्र.स./भा.पु.का. या कायद्यात सुधारणा करिता केंद्रीय शासनाचे विधेयक) केंद्रीय गृहमंत्र्यांनी नमूद केल्याप्रमाणे, विधेयकांची मुख्य वैशिष्ट्ये:- केंद्रीय गृहमंत्र्यांनी नमूद केल्याप्रमाणे, विधेयकांची मुख्य वैशिष्ट्ये:- लोकसभेने तीन विधेयके संसदीय स्थायी समितीकडे विचारार्थ पाठवली. या विधेयकाचे … Read more

article 142, indian constitution, Power of Supreme Court, Suo Moto Cognizance, कलम 142 – भारतीय संविधान 1949. न्यायालयाचा स्वाविवेकाने एखाद्या सार्वजनिक हिताच्या प्रकरणाची स्वतःच दाखल घेण्याचा अधिकार : भारतीय राज्यघटना कलम 142.

कलम 142 – भारतीय संविधान 1949. चालू घडामोडी न्यायालयीन निर्णय संकीर्ण Disclaimer / अस्वीकरण कलम 142 – भारतीय संविधान 1949. एखाध्या सार्वजनिक हिताच्या प्रकरणात भारताच्या सर्वोच्य न्यायालयास असलेले स्वता:हुन दखल घ्यायचे अधिकार. (सु मोटो कोग्निजन्स) (Suo Moto Cognizance Power of Supreme Court) भारतीय संविधान 1949 मधील कलम 142 (१) सर्वोच्च न्यायालय आपल्या अधिकारक्षेत्राचा वापर करताना, … Read more

“Supreme Court Takes Swift Action on Shocking Video of Violence in Manipur; Seeks Accountability and Justice”

News / बातमी चालू घडामोडी न्यायालयीन निर्णय संकीर्ण Law/Bare Act/कायदे Disclaimer / अस्वीकरण News : “Supreme Court Takes Swift Action on Shocking Video of Violence in Manipur; Seeks Accountability and Justice” वाचा बातमी सविस्तर.. Supreme Court Takes Action on Disturbing Video Showing Violence in Manipur In a big news development, the Supreme Court has taken … Read more

News : Supreme Court’s Historic Verdict – Can Children Born in Live-In Relationships Claim Property Rights ? Read in detail.

News / बातमी चालू घडामोडी न्यायालयीन निर्णय संकीर्ण Law/Bare Act/कायदे Disclaimer / अस्वीकरण News : Supreme Court Unveils Landmark Verdict: Unlocking Property Rights for Children Born in Live-In Relationships! वाचा बातमी सविस्तर.. Supreme Court Grants Rights to Children of Live-in Couples for Ancestral Property In a recent case of KATTUKANDI EDATHIL KRISHNAN & ANR. vs … Read more

16-Year-Old Capable of Making Conscious Decision About Sex! Quashes POCSO Case Against Boyfriend. : High Court of Meghalaya.

Judgement / न्यायनिर्णय चालू घडामोडी न्यायालयीन निर्णय संकीर्ण Law/Bare Act/कायदे Disclaimer / अस्वीकरण News : 16-Year-Old Capable of Making Conscious Decision About Sex! Quashes POCSO Case Against Boyfriend. : High Court of Meghalaya. वाचा बातमी सविस्तर.. High Court of Meghalaya makes an important decision in a case involving minors and relationships. The case was titled … Read more

News:- Supreme Court: Complete Chain Required in Circumstantial Evidence Cases to Indicate Accused’s Guilt.

News / बातमी चालू घडामोडी न्यायालयीन निर्णय संकीर्ण Law/Bare Act/कायदे Disclaimer / अस्वीकरण News:- Supreme Court: Complete Chain Required in Circumstantial Evidence Cases to Indicate Accused’s Guilt. वाचा बातमी सविस्तर.. The Supreme Court recently ruled that in cases involving circumstantial evidence, all links of the evidence must be proven to establish the guilt of the … Read more

News : “Kerala High Court Rules Against Divorce for Live-In Couples”

News / बातमी चालू घडामोडी न्यायालयीन निर्णय संकीर्ण Law/Bare Act/कायदे Disclaimer / अस्वीकरण News : “Kerala High Court Rules Against Divorce for Live-In Couples” वाचा बातमी सविस्तर.. The Kerala High Court recently ruled that live-in couples are not eligible to seek divorce. The bench of Justices A. Muhamed Mustaque and Sophy Thomas emphasized that living … Read more

Writ :- Allahabad High Court Clarifies: Habeas Corpus Proceedings Not Appropriate for Resolving Parents’ Child Custody Disputes

News / बातमी चालू घडामोडी न्यायालयीन निर्णय संकीर्ण Law/Bare Act/कायदे Disclaimer / अस्वीकरण Writ : Allahabad High Court Clarifies: Habeas Corpus Proceedings Not Appropriate for Resolving Parents’ Child Custody Disputes. वाचा बातमी सविस्तर.. Headline: High Court Dismisses Mother’s Custody Petition for Children. A habeas corpus writ petition filed by Ira Sharma seeking custody of her … Read more

Karnataka High Court Refuses to Dismiss Case Against Doctor for Not Reporting Sexual Offenses on Minor

News / बातमी चालू घडामोडी न्यायालयीन निर्णय संकीर्ण Law/Bare Act/कायदे Disclaimer / अस्वीकरण News : Karnataka High Court Refuses to Dismiss Case Against Doctor for Not Reporting Sexual Offenses on Minor. वाचा बातमी सविस्तर.. In a recent decision, the Karnataka High Court has dismissed a petition filed by a gynecologist who sought to dismiss a … Read more

News : Madras High Court: Abusive Language Not Enough for Dismissal, Says Court.

News / बातमी चालू घडामोडी न्यायालयीन निर्णय संकीर्ण Law/Bare Act/कायदे Disclaimer / अस्वीकरण News : Madras High Court: Abusive Language Not Enough for Dismissal, Says Court. वाचा बातमी सविस्तर.. The Madras High Court has ruled that using abusive language is not a serious offense that warrants dismissal from a job. The court made this decision … Read more