Summons & Warrant (समन्स आणि वॉरंट)

समन्स आणि वॉरंट (Summons & Warrant) चालू घडामोडी न्यायालयीन निर्णय संकीर्ण Disclaimer / अस्वीकरण वॉरंट (Warrant) समन्स (Summons) समन्स म्हणजे काय? समन्स म्हणजे बोलावणे. एखादे कोर्ट, किंव्हा एखादा अधिकारी, त्याचे समक्ष आलेल्या विषया संबंधाने एखाद्याला विचारपूस करण्यासाठी बोलावणी करणे कामी लेखी पत्र देतो त्यास समन्स असे म्हणतात. कायदेशीर संदर्भात “समन्स” हा शब्द न्यायालय किंवा प्राधिकरणाने … Read more

Judgement : “Insurance Company Obligated to Compensate Accident Victim’s Kin, Bombay High Court Rules, Regardless of Expired Driver’s License”

न्यायानिर्णय Judgement Disclaimer / अस्वीकरण Judgement : “Insurance Company Obligated to Compensate Accident Victim’s Kin, Bombay High Court Rules, Regardless of Expired Driver’s License” वाचा सविस्तर. Insurance Company Liable to Compensate Accident Victim’s Kin, Even if Driver’s License Expired: Bombay High Court In a significant ruling, the Bombay High Court has stated that an insurance … Read more

Kerala High Court: Police Must Verify Interim Orders Before Arresting Accused with Pending Bail Application

न्यायानिर्णय Judgement Disclaimer / अस्वीकरण (पाहण्यासाठी येथे क्लिक करा…) Judgement : Police Must Verify Interim Orders Before Arresting Accused with Pending Bail Application – Kerala High Court प्रकरणाचे शीर्षक : Case: Niyasali vs State of Kerala Case Number: Bail Appl. No. 7834 of 2022 Judge: Justice P.V. Kunhikrishnan Date of Order: May 23, 2023 High … Read more

Writ Petition : Allahabad High Court : No inquiry can be initiated or continue after the death of employees.

न्यायानिर्णय Judgement Writ Petition : Allahabad High Court : No inquiry can be initiated or continue after the death of employees. In a peculiar case heard by the Allahabad High Court, the issue of continuing a disciplinary inquiry against a deceased employee was addressed. The case involved Sri Ghasi Ram, a Mali working for Nagar … Read more

Judgement: Supreme Court Rules: Insulting SC/ST Person with Words Like “Idiot,” “Fool,” or “Thief” Not an Offense under SC/ST Act

न्यायानिर्णय Judgement Disclaimer / अस्वीकरण Supreme Court Rules: Insulting SC/ST Person with Words Like “Idiot,” “Fool,” or “Thief” Not an Offense under SC/ST Act. प्रकरणाचे शीर्षक: SLP (CRL) NO. 1249/2023 Supreme Court: Accused’s Statements in Public Must be Included in Charge Sheet. The Supreme Court emphasized that the charge sheet should include the accused’s public … Read more

News : Calcutta High Court Rules that Writing “Police” on Private Vehicle is not an Offence.

News / बातमी चालू घडामोडी न्यायालयीन निर्णय संकीर्ण Law/Bare Act/कायदे Disclaimer / अस्वीकरण News : Calcutta High Court Rules that Writing “Police” on Private Vehicle is not an Offence. वाचा बातमी सविस्तर.. The Calcutta High Court has said that it is not illegal for a police officer to display the word “POLICE” on his personal … Read more

News : Supreme Court declines to hear petition against automatic disqualification of convicted MPs/MLAs under RP Act.

News / बातमी चालू घडामोडी न्यायालयीन निर्णय संकीर्ण Law/Bare Act/कायदे Disclaimer / अस्वीकरण News : Supreme Court declines to hear petition against automatic disqualification of convicted MPs/MLAs under RP Act. वाचा बातमी सविस्तर.. The Supreme Court has rejected a petition that questioned the validity of section 8(3) of the Representation of the People Act, which … Read more

Muddemal Disposal (मुद्देमाल नाश करणे)

मुद्देमाल नाश करणे Muddemal Disposal चालू घडामोडी न्यायालयीन निर्णय संकीर्ण मुद्देमाल विल्हेवाट संदर्भात कायदे विषयक तरतुदी मुद्देमाल विल्हेवाट संदर्भात कोर्ट केसेस कुठल्या आहेत ? मुद्देमाल विल्हेवाट संदर्भात कोर्ट केसेस… कोर्ट केस लाॅ सुंदरभाई अंबालाल देसाई विरुद्ध गुजरात राज्य, मनजीत गाणे विरुद्ध राज्य दिल्ली उच्च न्यायालय, दिल्ली केस. मनजित सिंह….. याचिकाकर्ते विरुद्ध राज्य….. Section 102(1) Crpc:- … Read more

Law/Bare Act/कायदे

Law/Bare Act/कायदे चालू घडामोडी न्यायालयीन निर्णय संकीर्ण Marathi Legal Glossary CRPC – Criminal Procedure Code, 1974 (फौजदारी प्रक्रिया संहिता, १९७३) IPC – Indian Penal Code 1860 (भारतीय दंड संहिता १८६०) IEA -The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 The Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 Essential Commodities (जिवनावश्यक वस्तू) The Essential Commodities Act, 1955 The Essential Commodities Act, 1955…(पाहण्यासाठी … Read more

pocso act education

News / बातमी चालू घडामोडी न्यायालयीन निर्णय संकीर्ण The Madhya Pradesh High Court said that many people in India, especially in Madhya Pradesh, cannot read or write. This makes it hard to follow the rules in the POCSO Act. वाचा बातमी सविस्तर.. ( सोप्या भाषेत ) The court in Madhya Pradesh talked about the problem … Read more